Feeling overwhelmed by life, and worries? Want to just forget about all your troubles and relax? Come experience your Tampa massage with The Salt Massage Room and we promise you will be feeling better within the hour.
Salt Therapy
Salt therapy is similar to spending time in the salty sea air, which offers many more benefits than just relaxation on the beach.
Massage Therapy is one of the key essentials to living healthy! Our everyday, "on-the-go" obligations keep us stressed, tight and filled with toxins. They are just a few pieces of a complex puzzle that make up muscle and nerve damage or tension. Much of which can be released through proper diagnosis and muscle weakness detection and targeting. Our methods focus on stretching; along with massage simultaneously, teamed with affordable pricing and 25 years of experience. A necessary combination for desired and successful outcomes.

Mon-Fri : 9:00am - 8:00pm
 Sun : 9:00am - 5:00pm